Visiting Quintana Roo in 5 days

Have you ever dreamt about Mexico's beautiful beaches ? The perfect weather and the clear water ? The ancient ruins and the riveting jungle ? Are you short on time but still want to see as much as you can ? This post is made for you.


7/23/20235 min read

In this article, I am sharing the itinerary of my trip to Quintana Roo in Mexico. You will find some advice and suggestions that will help you plan your journey better. This is, of course, just an example, don't hesitate to make changes in order to make the best of your trip.

Sleep Itinerary:

-Tulum: 2 or 3 nights

-Cancun: 2 nights

-Holbox: 1 night

Best advice:

Take a night flight on your way to Cancun airport if you want to save one night of hotel room. You'll arrive early in the morning and be able to start exploring.

After arriving at Cancun airport, I suggest you take a bus, a taxi, or a shuttle (depending on your budget) to go to Tulum which will take you approximately two hours. Once you're here, you can start exploring the beautiful city. Maybe go to the beach, eat ice cream, buy souvenirs, or you can simply rest at your hotel to recover from the flight and enjoy the pool. Day one is all about relaxing, chilling, and getting used to the heat, or anything else you need to get used to. You could even celebrate your arrival by going to a restaurant or having a drink in a bar.

Day 1:

Day 2:

Head out to Rio Secreto where you will explore an amazing underground river full of stalactites and stalagmites. Be careful, you have to make a reservation in advance. Embark on this incredible two-hour tour where you will walk, swim and cross paths with some inhabitants of this magical underworld. To make it even better, a buffet is included at the end of the tour and you get to enjoy some delicious food in a really nice environment.

If you're worried about being unequipped for this activity, don't worry ! They have everything you need, just bring your swimsuit ! However, if you plan on taking pictures, forget it. Phones and cameras are not allowed, it's a little bit frustrating but at the same time, it helps you fully appreciate the experience as well. Don't worry, there is a photograph per group that will take pictures for you. Nevertheless, the pictures are for sale and can appear as expensive for some of us. But this is the only negative part, and, to me, this was one the best activities I have ever done in my life.

Rio Secreto is approximately an hour away from Tulum and very close to Playa Del Carmen, where you can spend the afternoon once your activity is done.

Day 3:

Embark on a tour that will take you to Chichén Itzá, one of the seven wonders of the world, in the morning. This beautiful place is located in Yucatan and not Quintana Roo but it's so close that it would be a shame not to jump on the opportunity to go see it.

Chichen Itza is an ancient Mayan city and one of the most well-preserved and impressive archaeological sites in the world. The name "Chichen Itza" means "at the mouth of the well of the Itza," referring to the sacred cenote that was believed to be the entrance to the Mayan underworld. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is famous for its iconic pyramid, known as El Castillo or Temple of Kukulcan, which served as a temple and astronomical observatory. Chichen Itza also features other remarkable structures, such as the Temple of the Warriors, the Great Ball Court, and the Sacred Cenote.

If you're really curious and love learning new things, I suggest you stay with the guide who will tell you everything you need to know. Don't forget to bring a hat and sunscreen !

After visiting Chichén Itza in the morning, the bus tour will take you for a nice and refreshing lunch at Cenote Samaal where you can choose to either swim in the cenote first and then eat, or eat first and then swim. It's all up to you. Make sure you bring your bathing suit !

Swimming in this cenote is magical and a unique experience, not only will you meet amazing people but you will discover the incredible ecosystem of the cenote.

Before heading out to Cancun, the bus will take you to Valladolid where not only will try some tequila but you will also be able to visit the beautiful city.

Now the tricky part is to make sure in advance that the bus can bring you to Cancun, for me it was a little bit complicated and I had to take another bus but don't worry everyone is very helpful ! There's nothing to stress about, as you will always find a bus going to Cancun.


Day 4:

Cancun is a popular destination known for its beautiful beaches and vibrant nightlife. One of the main attractions in Cancun is swimming with whale sharks. These gentle giants are the largest fish in the ocean and swimming alongside them is a surreal experience.

After enjoying the exhilarating encounter with the whale sharks, a visit to Isla Mujeres is highly recommended. This stunning island, located just off the coast of Cancun, offers pristine beaches, crystal-clear turquoise waters, and a laid-back atmosphere.

underwater photography of black fish
underwater photography of black fish

Explore the colorful coral reefs, indulge in delicious seafood, or simply relax on the beach and soak up the sun. Cancun and Isla Mujeres offer the perfect combination of adventure and relaxation, making it an unforgettable experience for any traveler.

Day 5:

Go explore Holbox, a mesmerizing island located off the coast of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. Known for its incredible wildlife, such as whale sharks, the island is also home to a diverse range of bird species, making it a haven for birdwatchers. With its car-free streets, Holbox exudes a rustic charm that allows visitors to truly disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Whether you're looking to relax on the beach, explore the natural wonders, or indulge in the local delicacies, Holbox is a hidden gem that promises an unforgettable experience.

To get there, you will need to catch a bus from Cancun to Chiquilà, the journey should take you around two hours. Once you arrived, take a ferry to Holbox and enjoy the 20-minute ride.

Spend one last day and one last night in Holbox relaxing and enjoying the beach, before having to fly back home the next day.