Get to know me


I am a passionate traveler who loves to explore new destinations and immerse myself in different cultures. Traveling has always been a part of my identity, as it allows me to broaden my horizons and discover the beauty of the world. From bustling cities to remote villages, I have embarked on countless adventures, each leaving a lasting impression on my soul.

Originally from France, last year I decided to challenge myself by going on a one-year-long adventure. I chose to fly across the pacific ocean and settle in California. It was the best decision I could have ever made and it led me to open myself more to the world we live in. In just one year, I have traveled to many different places and I have now decided to share my experiences with whoever is interested.

Why this blog ?

Creating this blog was a decision made to share my knowledge and experiences with others who share a similar passion. Through this platform, I hope to connect with like-minded individuals and engage in meaningful conversations about various topics.

This blog will serve as a space where I can express my thoughts, ideas, and opinions freely, while also providing valuable information and insights to readers. By documenting my journey and sharing valuable content, I aim to inspire, educate, and empower others. Whether it's offering advice, sharing personal stories, or discussing important issues, this blog aims to create a community where readers can find support, inspiration, and a sense of belonging.